quick way to tell our friends about whatever trip we were on – I could tell everyone at once, and show a bunch of pictures.
But, right away, I realized that 1) I think way
too many things are interesting and I take way too many pictures, and if I tried
to blog that, it would probably be boring to everyone else, clog up the system
with 1000′s of pictures of green fields, and I’d never finish writing; 2) I
think way too many things are interesting, so got sidetracked into telling
information about the location – not just that we’d been there, but other things
to see, how much some attractions cost, hours of operation, etc.; 3) I don’t
necessarily like to write about what I’m doing right that second, because, to be
honest, I don’t necessarily want people to know where I am, right at that
second… depending on the what, the where and the who….
So, Seahorse Ranch next week. Confession, this
This time, I’m painting a bottle (I can’t show a
picture because I want the outcome to be a surprise for the person to whom it
belongs…. and I don’t know if they are reading my blog or not… … guess this is
one way to find out…)
I’ve had a lot of projects this summer, which is
why I went from a “twice a week” blog to a “once a week” blog…
Sometimes, my projects are painting pictures,
usually the projects involve sculpting little quirky figurine type things (I
call them “My Little Creatures“), and this is my first bottle.
So, that’s that! Hope to be back on track! In the
meantime, I am committed to getting something written about the Seahorse Ranch
for next week.
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