Sunday, June 30, 2013

“Yukon Ho!” Roadtrip, Total Animal Sightings

..Banff Main Street
Back to the "Yukon Ho!" Adventure...
Here's the thing: Before we actually made it home, we also went into Banff, had lunch, went to the Candy Store, ate fudge...etc.. and I planned to write about Banff and Canmore now... but I don't feel like it. Right now, when I think of Banff and Canmore, I can only think "flood" and "mudslide" and so I'm going to save that segment for another time. We go there all the time, anyway, so it's not like this is my only time to talk about that VERY BEAUTIFUL area.
And, so ends the great Yukon Adventure.
As I’ve mentioned throughout this particular trip off and on – we saw TONS of animals! TONS!!
I didn’t show any pictures because I decided to wait till the conclusion. There’s not a lot to say about them, but here there are, “without further ado” :
Black Bear, the Ursus Americanus, native to North America (we saw 10).
Black Bear 2 Black Bear 1 SONY DSC SONY DSC
MooseMoose, the Alces alces (apparently, the Alces alces in Europe is an Elk, but in North America, a Moose)…we saw 4, including the baby moose.
Moose family
Elk, the Cervus canadensis… THIS is an Elk. (We only saw 1. This one doesn’t have antlers, but if you want to see a picture with antlers, either Google, or check out my Jasper blog…it’s a dark picture but may be the biggest elk I’ve ever seen…)
Elk 1 Elk 2
Found another elk picture from another Jasper trip:
Deer, the Mule (Odocoileus hemionus) and the White tail (Odocoileus virginianus). We saw 8, but I can’t remember how many of each…
Deer 1 Deer 2
CoyoteCoyote (pronounced “Kai-o-tee”), the Canis latrans, is also called an American Jackal (I didn’t know this!). We saw 3.

SONY DSCCaribou, the Rangifer tarandus… is also called a Reindeer… I didn’t know this either… We saw 7.
Buffalo, the Bison bison…we saw 14 adults and 1 baby.
Buffalo 1 Buffalo 2 SONY DSC Buffalo and baby SONY DSC
Mountain Goat, the Oreamnos americanus. We saw 4.
Dall Sheep, the Ovis dalli (or maybe they are Bighorn Sheep, the Ovis canadensis?).. Technically, the Dall Sheep are northern, and the Bighorn Sheep are southern, but “southern” includes parts of middle British Columbia… Anyway, we saw 4.

Sheep 1 Sheep 2 Sheep 3 SONY DSC
Golden Eagle, the Aquila chrysaetos. We saw a bunch of birds – ravens, hawks and tons of the little ones, too, but I’m just including the Eagle. We only saw one. In fact, in my whole life, I’ve never seen a Golden Eagle. This is my first one. And, actually … until a few minutes ago, I thought I had taken a picture of a Bald Eagle, the Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Huh.

Sheep 1 Sheep 2 Sheep 3 SONY DSC
Golden Eagle, the Aquila chrysaetos. We saw a bunch of birds – ravens, hawks and tons of the little ones, too, but I’m just including the Eagle. We only saw one. In fact, in my whole life, I’ve never seen a Golden Eagle. This is my first one. And, actually … until a few minutes ago, I thought I had taken a picture of a Bald Eagle, the Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Huh.
We also saw 2 Grizzly Bears, the Ursus arctos horribilis.. It seems a bit harsh, don’t you think, to call them “horribilis”?… My pictures of them are terrible (horrible :D ), since I didn’t want to roll down the window to take the pictures, and I just got blur and smudge. But, if you haven’t seen an actual Grizzly or a picture of one before, I have a blog about them ~ Montana Grizzly Encounters.

The horizon, and beyondWell! That’s it! so concludes this particular road trip. We were safely home in Calgary, and Richard & Shannan and crew continued on to Michigan.
You may recall that before I started writing about the Yukon to Calgary Roadtrip, I was writing about a tour around the Big Island of Hawaii, but had a complication with my Hawaii photos. Complication resolved. Back to Hawaii next time.

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